
Armour liver hepatitis b awareness generally high alert to a "silent killer" c

The day before yesterday is the love lier. Han Tao remind, vice President of the third central hospital in this city, citizens for influenza a and hepatitis b generally higher attention and be familiar with degrees, but little is known about for hepatitis c. Residents in daily life, should be particularly vigilant c a "silent killer".
Expert introduction, have disease due to hepatitis c hidden, the initial symptoms are often not obvious. Hepatitis c in patients with acute infection period 80% of asymptomatic, or only the feeling of fatigue, coupled with low detection rate, low public awareness, long incubation period, factors and so on, there is no vaccine to prevent hepatitis c is often ignored by people easily, cause misdiagnosis. But with the development of the disease, 75% to 85% of the acute hepatitis c will become chronic, if not treated, eventually will likely develop into liver cirrhosis and liver cancer.
Expert introduction, at present, although there is no effective vaccine to prevent hepatitis c, and c is the viral hepatitis cure rate is higher, so the prevention and control of the key lies in early detection, early detection, early treatment. Due to hepatitis c is a mainly through blood transmission of the disease, so most of the mode of transmission and of contaminated blood or broken skin and mucous membrane. Who received blood transfusions, blood dialysis, used a disposable syringe and without strict disinfection of dental instruments, endoscopy, invasive operation, and acupuncture, and hepatitis c patients sharing a razor, toothbrush, intravenous drug use, or used to have tattoos, tattoo eyeline, pierced earrings with hole skin mucosa damage such as high-risk groups to check regularly for hepatitis c.
The expert reminds, to effectively prevent hepatitis c, need to pay attention: do not share syringes or related products such as cotton balls used for injected with drugs, hormones and vitamins of artefacts, and don't share solution for injection. For health authorities, to ensure that all operations conform to the standard operation procedure.

