
How far you are from sexually transmitted diseases

With the opening up of the sexual concept, modern cases of sexually transmitted diseases have surge phenomenon. Sexual freedom, the sexual revolution of unsafe sex and extramarital sex outside of marriage, without the use of contraceptives, diversification of sex and ignorance of sex knowledge and neglect of sexual health, etc., is a major cause of the cases increased.
Sexual adapting just-in-time inventory can lead to infertility, cause various diseases, causing physical discomfort, and even endanger life. Its direct impact on the spread of family harmony, bring many unstable factors to the society.
Venereal disease is a major kind of infectious disease that spreads through sexual behavior, common sexually transmitted diseases in our country have gonorrhea, blame drenchs urethritis, genital herpes, genital warts, syphilis, chancroid, venereal disease is lymphatic granulation is swollen, AIDS, etc.
The spread of sexually transmitted diseases way two kinds
Direct contact with infected
Direct contact with the infection also known as sexual contact transmission, is the main mode of transmission, more than 95%. Except the intercourse of the vagina (penis), and anal or oral sex, kissing, refer to Yin, touch, etc.
Indirect contact with infected
Indirect contact transmission is through contact with contaminated clothes, bath, common bathing necessity, toilet, etc way transmission, also include some. Rare mode of transmission, such as by blood transfusion, blood products, organ transplantation, artificial insemination, medical apparatus and instruments, doctors and nurses using pollution prevention protection is lax and disseminated by the placenta, the birth canal in breast milk, etc.
Patients with venereal disease mainly caused urogenital organs injury, such as: drench bacteria sex urethritis, epididymitis, prostatitis, etc; Syphilis can cause damage to the bone, cardiovascular, nervous, and even life-threatening; Women suffering from sexually transmitted diseases can result in stillbirth or lead to infertility; Through mother-to-child transmission, directly harm offspring health; Some STDS can cause genital inflammation, ulcer, increase the risk of the patients infected with AIDS.
Symptoms for men
Due to sexual reproductive and urinary system structure function, there are differences between the mental behavior, so men and women sexually transmitted diseases have some differences:
(1) male more incidence of acute, chronic infection in women, more carrier.
(2) male typical clinical manifestations, diagnosis, women reported more atypical, the symptom is not obvious, easy to misdiagnosis and missed diagnosis.
(3) and STD patients for unprotected sexual contact, a woman's chances of infection is greater than the male.
(4) women through the placenta, the birth canal, breast milk to sexually transmitted diseases to the next generation.
5. Men are easy to find the change of the reproductive organs, women more difficult.
But in general, male and female genitals after suffering from sexually transmitted diseases can appear blisters and sores, warts and all, palms and soles skin rash, etc., of course, there are some people no symptoms. But no symptoms don't not yet received a sexually transmitted disease, especially for women. Per capita had had feculent sexual history, therefore, should do the inspection.
STD species
The oldest - gonorrhea of sexually transmitted diseases (STD)
Gonorrhea is infected with gonorrhea diplococcus urinary reproductive system caused by acute or chronic inflammation, is the third largest after syphilis venereal disease.
According to the survey, of STD incidence in our country first. Acute and chronic gonorrhea points two kinds, within 2 months in duration is belongs to the acute gonorrhea, more than 2 months belong to chronic gonorrhea. Feculent sexual intercourse is the main mode of transmission, with instruments of gonorrhea diplococcus secretions can also cause indirect transmission. Has a history of unclean sexual intercourse or patients with gonorrhea indirect exposure history, clinical performance for urethral burning pain, have white or yellow secretions, leucorrhea increase and bladder irritation, should be highly suspected the disease. Urethral gonorrhea diplococcus or vaginal smear microscopy found, can be confirmed.
Easy to overlook of urethritis of sex of gonococcus of sexually transmitted diseases - blame
Blame drenchs urethritis of sex of bacterium is mainly composed of genital mycoplasma, chlamydia, trichomonas vaginalis infection through sexual contact bacteria such as inflammation of the urethra. Men show the tickling, painful urination, urine urethral opening redness, thin secretions; Female patients characterized by increased leucorrhea, painful urination, cause pelvic inflammation, appear the waist pain and other symptoms. "Blame drenchs" if not seasonable cure can cause female tubal phlogistic, pelvic inflammatory disease, abortion and infertility; Men cause prostatitis, seminal vesicle phlogistic, complications such as sterility.
Clinical have urethritis performance, and the urethra secretion smear and cultivation of neisseria gonorrhoeae were negative for sexually transmitted diseases, is mainly composed of ureaplasma mycoplasma and chlamydia trachomatis. The disease 40 ~ 250% by chlamydia trachomatis, by 20 ~ 30% of ureaplasma mycoplasma, 10 ~ 20% by trichomonas vaginalis, white beads bacterium and pure scar rash virus causes. Urea mycoplasma chlamydia trachomatis and solution only parasitic in the cell.
Genital herpes touchy -
Genital herpes is a viral infectious skin disease, often occur in the man's penis foreskin and glans penis coronary ditch place such as and her labia, clitoris or cervix. Genital sores caused by herpes simplex virus infection, usually 2 ~ 10 days after infection and disease in individual patients can come on in a few months or a year later. Women in the majority.
Clinical manifestations have vaginal burning, consciously genitals local appear multiple sections of small papules or blister, can be turned into pustules or ulcer, and at the same time accompanied by micturition not free, fever, headache, joint pain, swollen lymph nodes, combination of unclean sexual history and laboratory examination found that genital herpes simplex virus, can diagnose the disease.
Flowers of evil, acuteness wet wart
Acuteness wet wart is a kind of sexually transmitted diseases caused by unclean sexual intercourse, is a kind of happens on the junction of the soft skin and mucosa vegetations, see more at female vaginal opening, vaginal mucous membrane and the cervical and the male urethra, coronary ditch, wrapping inside and around the anus. In our country, the disease incidence of sexually transmitted diseases in second place. Western medicine thinks that is caused because of the feelings of human papilloma virus.
Genitals and perineum for good hair. Hyperplasia of little red a knot in one's beginning, gradually to the grain size, and confluent, surface such as cauliflower, at its root has connected to the skin, combine have feculent sexual history, diagnosis of the disease.
Venereal disease prevention
First, abide by the laws and ethics
Self-esteem, self-respect and dignity, correctly handle the love, marriage and family issues, not prostitution, prostitution, resist consciously premarital sex, sex outside marriage, and other sexual behaviour.
Second, understand knowledge of sexually transmitted diseases.


