This product has anti-inflammatory and analgesic action, used to treat rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, peripheral neuritis and neuralgia, etc.
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Subcutaneous or intramuscular injection, intradermal or subcutaneous injection dosage of 0.05 mg do for the first time, if no adverse reactions, increasing day 0.1 0.2 0.25 0.5 mg, mg to once a day or every other day, a total dose of 10 mg is one period of treatment. The injection site: 1, the alternate injection of limbs, in limbs ruling subcutaneous injection; 2, pain points injection, injection according to different pain points around the affected part; 3, point injection, the reference to Chinese medicine meridian principle, in certain acupuncture points for injection.
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Allergic to products were banned, renal failure, hematopoietic system disease, and pregnant women, allergic constitution carefully use.
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One or unusual treatment, treatment should rest after more than 10 minutes, unfavorable after treatment.
Second, may overeat prior to treatment. Should not drink alcoholic beverages during treatment.
Three, every first treatment, lighter pain, local swelling, slightly don't panic, don't stop treatment. Such as fever, nausea, vomiting, panic sweat, can be used sedatives, such as muscle injection of 25 mg promethazine can alleviate the side effects.
Four, all use of bee venom injection, shall be guided by experienced doctors, cannot be used casually.
Five, who suffer from all kinds of organic heart disease, allergic to bee venom were banned this therapy. This product along with the development of medicine and medical methods of improvement, has been gradually showing in the clinical advantages, has made certain curative effect, and some people began to study applied in the prevention and treatment of tumor. At present in the clinical application of bee venom injection, has obvious curative effect.