
Lethal injections have the pain?

Can clearly tell you I do prosecutors say there is no any pain that capital punishment deterrent to criminals almost nothing for now so we've been reinstated procuratorate system is shot to death the first needle first anaesthetic injections sleep the second needle play potassium cyanide criminals into the height according to each person signs about a minute to two to three minutes of time criminals is fundamental for lethal injections and even killed some people at least medical common sense all don't understand the words of orpiment said prisoners during sleep will feel pain tic will happen it is totally nonsense we local implement injections have four or five years I have never seen any offenders will twitch after lethal injections were killed in the calm of a simple example of a patient on the anesthetic on operating table (or he has no pain craniotomy is marked poison woke up he would immediately feel pain, please say the prisoner convulsions that yes that is the time when the first needle dozen anesthetic because of his psychological fear rather than naturally occurring convulsions.
In general, the cells receive external stimulation, membrane channels open, K, and Cl - in the flow, and action potentials, and then through a mechanism to restore the previous state. Cells of resting potential is also called polarization, action potential depolarization, in after the occurrence of action potential, the cell potential is negative "within" pattern has been changed to "balance is zero", after also continue to change, become is outside the "negative", is called polarization. If can stop K outflows or Cl - internal flow, can effectively prevent cell action potential, slow action potential, or happen cells will not or difficult to happen corresponding change, tissue, organ and won't work. Barbitone kind of drugs, such as thiopental sodium, can effect the central nervous system, by adding Cl - internal flow increases, the nerve cells in slow action potential, the sensitivity of nerve will fall, the body's response to pain stimulation such as becomes weak and dull. And, in terms of thiopental sodium, and the use of large doses of sodium thiopental can lead to death of breathing is abate, also has the effect of inhibiting respiratory death.
Without pain, injected with large dose of pentobarbital (doping), make the patient into the depth of anesthesia, muscle relaxant and injection myocardial arrest, even large amounts of potassium chloride injection, not potassium cyanide, know a few about upstairs fur is taken for granted will think that potassium cyanide, high concentrations of potassium ions can make the heart crazy jump, promote muscle relaxant effect, rather than using toxic potassium cyanide, is too large, the toxicity mainly to kill prisoners is a muscle relaxant, potassium chloride is faster, a supplementary role. Because high concentrations of potassium ions can stimulate the cardiac muscle, hospital intravenous potassium solution at ordinary times are very prudent, strictly control the rate.

